So what's going to go in all those lovely Advent Jars?? I'd like it to be a mix of fun stuff and service related things. Cheri over at I am Momma - Hear me Roar posted a fabulous list of good deeds to fill her calendar. Some of the ones from her list we will use are:
- Find the home with the best Christmas lights and take them a thank you note with a treat.
- Take Doggy treats to someone who has a dog.
- Put money in the Salvation army cup.
- Leave kind notes for Daddy all over the house.
- Call an aunt and tell her you love her.
and a few more I came up with!
- sing a Christmas song on video to send to friends
- make Christmas goodies for Daddy's office
- buy and deliver food to a local food pantry
- put quarters in the carts at Aldi
- swap cookies with our friends.
- bring Christmas cookies to the neighbors.
- make a Christmas gift for a special friend.
- make Christmas cards for your teacher.
In the middle of December, the husband has to go out town for a work trip for four nights. During that time I want the kids to have some fun things to do each day. Like:
- Paint everybody's toenails in Christmas colors.
- Have a picnic for dinner.
- Go out to look at Christmas lights after dark
- Roast marshmallows in the fireplace
- make snowflakes to hang on the windows
- make a Christmas ornament
- have a Christmas music dance party
- make our own Nativity pictures
- get doughnuts in our jammies for breakfast
- have a Christmas tea party
- take a trip to Bethlehem (this a special event at our church)
- read our favorite Christmas story
- make a birthday cake for Jesus
There you are, 25 things to do this holiday season to prepare for Jesus' birthday! I can't wait till tomorrow!!